Strategic Workforce Analysis & Planning

Consulting is More than giving Advice:
New Thinking Can Positively Impact Your Strategic Workforce Planning

The needs of our populations are changing rapidly. Expectation for accessible, responsive, personalized, on-demand services is increasing, budgets are decreasing and service providers are struggling to keep up. Classic supply and demand workforce planning methods are no longer working. Evidence-based strategic planning that include people analytics and robust workforce analysis and projections are a must to remain competitive and viable.

The right people, with the right skills, in the right place at the right time.

The key to successful strategic workforce planning and the creation of a sustainable workforce includes understanding both the supply and demand sides of the existing workforce, understanding the size and characteristics of the existing workforce as well as understanding the service demand for the existing workforce as well as the demand on future workforce.

At Pepler Group, we recognize that Strategic Workforce Planning is a complex field, so we offer expert consulting services and thought-leadership to ensure that your workforce planning and analytics projects will be successful and will be integral to your organization’s overall workforce development and succession planning strategies.

Through the use of our discrete event simulation tools, we are able to offer unlimited scenario planning, embedded predictive analytics, projection of total cost of workforce, integration with finance budget/forecast systems, comparative analysis, competency and skill assessments, position control, and gap action planning.

We help you make a real difference in the success of your organization and your talent management and acquisition functions by forecasting and prioritizing demand; analyzing your retention, attrition, retirement, mobility and other factors; and prioritizing workforce gaps in terms of impact on business and people strategy. We can configure a strategic workforce planning model to meet your specific requirements which forecasts the future of your workforce and provides action and implementation plans.

Our Workforce Analytics research combines an extensive library of standard analytics, infographics, and data exploration tools, with a tailored experience for each role in your organization. By combining historical analysis with forward-looking forecasts and driver analysis, our solution provides immediate answers to historical, current and future workforce questions.

Want to learn more about how Strategic Workforce Planning Services can help your organization?

Our Solutions Include:

  • Projecting Future Workforce Demand

    To be able to predict the future workforce needed, we require an understanding of the demand for programs and services. For example, in the health workforce context, the aging of the population and changes in burden of disease have strong influences on demand. Existing demand calculations for the health workforce are based primarily on service utilization data from a variety of sources. Limitations arise in projecting demand due to imperfect siloed data, impact of external factors such as changes in technology, new skills, roles, or service delivery models.

  • Projecting Future Workforce Supply

    This involves understanding how long people remain in the workforce, including their movements within the workforce; as well as knowing the supply of new entrants to the workforce. This also involves identification of gaps in professional development and industry trends. However, through our use of Predictive Analytics, we are able to take a critical thinking, systems thinking and design thinking approach to your future workforce needs.

  • Scenario Modelling

    A number of potential futures exist depending on decisions made and directions taken. In the context of workforce planning, government policy options, higher education/training sector activities, employer practices and trends within the existing workforce strongly influence the future. Scenario modelling enables the impact of such influences to be examined. By altering parameters in the model that represent a policy option, the flow-through effect to the future workforce can be measured, identifying any gap between projected workforce demand and supply under each scenario.

  • Developing a Plan to Close The Gap

    The development and implementation of a plan to close any gap is the key to the creation of a sustainable workforce. Demand and supply projections can be altered according to the policy levers chosen. The impact of the effectiveness of the option(s) chosen are then measurable. Ideally, workforce planning is conducted as an iterative process which allows for refinement as updated data becomes available, and incremental change over time.

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