Setting Strategy with Execution in Mind
Envisioning the future is possible—with the right plan. It is not enough anymore to be good at what you do. You need to know where you are going and what success will look like when you get there. Developing an effective strategic and operational plan for your business requires a thorough understanding of your clients, trends and any barriers that may affect your business now and in the future. Successful implementation and execution of the plan requires alignment of all components of your organization—business, technology, operations, people and processes—critical to achieving your vision.
Our team of service professionals are experienced strategic planning consultants. We will work with you and your management team to develop an integrated strategic plan that builds clarity and consensus.
Our proven methods leverage input from key decision makers within your organization, together with input from key partners and stakeholders to develop the strategy plan and align organizational objectives in a way that optimizes your changes for successful implementation.
Our comprehensive approach is designed to:
- Create meaningful, realistic and results-oriented strategic and operational plans;
- Develop synergy between the strategic and operational plans testing alignment using simulation so implementation becomes straightforward, allowing for positive change to be realized faster;
- Help you establish priorities and make difficult strategic decisions in a safe and cost avoidance environment through simulation modelling;
- Create an environment for participatory engagement and continuous interpretation to allow for stakeholders and key partners to visually see the changes supporting commitment and buy-in to sustain successful change.
Organizational Design
Our team can work with you to design or redesign your service and support organization for maximum efficiency. We will evaluate your current organizational structure, interview key management personnel and determine if the current functional structure is aligned to your future strategic goals.
Our approach includes a high-level assessment, a report outlining our recommendations for restructuring the organization and an implementation plan that will help you:
- Streamline your organization structure
- Define span of control and accountability
- Develop measurable management objectives
- Create key performance indicators and scorecards
- Define governance and accountability structures
- Assist in Defining Management skills and training requirements
Strategic Health and Social Care Planning
Pepler Group can help you design an effective set of value-add service offerings and programs. Using scenario planning tools, we help you to explore ‘what if’ solutions designed to meet current and future needs, creating a set of programs that deliver value-add. Using Scenario Generator™, the first and only population health simulation software tool for strategic planning, our consultants work collaboratively with you and your organization to design and simulate public sector, municipal and not-for-profit services taking a whole systems approach.
This supports strategic decision-making and the design of new models of care, taking into consideration the local population, prevalence of conditions, social determinants of health, and the health and human services utilization. This information is matched to key population characteristics to allow the impact of population health, size and demographics to be modelled to meet current and future needs on a number of levels.
The power of the scenario simulation is in thinking through the problem, understanding what the key issues are. Testing out in workshops with your stakeholders, getting participatory and interpretative engagement to change the simulation visually shows the impact of individual decisions on the results of the scenario. Making sure that everybody from the senior decision makers to the people who are doing the job understand how the ‘new model of care’ will work is important to driving improvement as changes are continuously made to the simulation. As well as creating that final business case with all of the evidence needed to support the dialogue, to make decisions on how best to move forward with the changes.
New Models of Care:
What is a model of care? - a multifaceted concept which broadly defines the way health and social care services are delivered. It can therefore be applied to health and social care services delivered on a number of levels: provincial, regional, community, division, program or unit.
Our approach to designing and changing to a new model of care is based on a structured, evidence-based methods and methodology. We take a four-phase approach to the process of changing a model of care. Within each phase issues are identified; appropriate communication processes are outlined and sources of data to assist the decision process are used. Scenarios are co-created to align with current policy and local, provincial and national directives, and are designed based on the most appropriate available evidence. Each scenario addresses specific health and social care issues, workforce, technology and the delivery system of the population identified including high risk groups, Indigenous and vulnerable groups.
Strategic modelling
Using strategic simulation tools takes a macro approach to modelling a system as a whole and is useful for answering high level questions such as:
- What is the right model of care to address the health of population?
- What will the impact of population growth or change in prevalence on health demand?
- What is the impact of the new model of care on current and future workforce?
- What is the impact of change on the delivery system?
- What capacity can be released if virtual care/technology is implemented?
- What is the impact of specific change on the wider system?
Our team, using intelligent decision-making tools, is helping clients globally to inform capacity, demand and workforce needs. Clients are recognizing the need to have these tools in their ‘toolkit of knowledge’ especially as they move forward with addressing future challenges of achieving balancing finite resources with demand. Successful implementation of the strategic plan and new models of care is the most important and difficult part of the process. Moving from knowledge to action necessitates an approach which can test the ‘what if’ and associated risks to ensure organization readiness, capacity and skills to implementing the vision for change.